The Solar System
There are 8 planets in the Solar System. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
There is 1 main Dwarf planet in the Solar System. Pluto. There are also Eris and Ceres.
All of them but Earth are named after Roman gods.
Mercury has 0 moons, Venus has 0 moons, Earth has 1 moon, Mars has 2 moons, Jupiter has a whopping 63 or so moons, Saturn has a whopping 36 or so moons, Uranus has 7 or so moons, Neptune has 18 or so moons and Pluto has 5 moons.
Saturn is famous for it's rings, Jupiter is famous for it's size, Mercurey is the closesd planet to the sun, Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System, Uranus in knowen because it is sideways. Neptune is knowen for it's blue colour, Mars is knowen as the Red Planet because of the red colour to it and Earth is special because it is the only place where everyone can survive.